Monday, December 18, 2017

= And They Found Phutuki ( মনোজ নেওগৰ "ফুটুকী ওলাল" কবিতাৰ অনুবাদ) =

From the rescue boat she saw her doll,
Hay and torn pieces of her mother’s old Chadar..
Floating in between sinking depths,
She made it herself,
Only friend she ever played with

With her tiny hands, she clung to the doll close..

When they pulled up the fishing net,
In a heap of water hyacinth
She looked like a pallid earthworm,
As sallow as a dead river dolphin.


Don’t remember who screamed first..

Phu..tu.. ki...
My Phu..tu.. ki...

How can I wish them well,
When I know for sure,
They are not. ....



(NB:_ Phutuki is the name of the girl, who, while being rescued with her family during the devastating flood in an remote Assam Vilage, saw her doll floating in water, and she jumped to grab it. Her body was recovered few days back)

Chadar:- A part dress worn by Assamese women. Poetically sometimes it is used to represent the relationship between Mother and Child.

The Original by Manoj Neog

ফুটুকী ওলাল
ভূৰখনৰ ওপৰৰ পৰাই তাই দেখিছিল
খেৰৰ জুমুঠি ; মাকৰ ফটা চাদৰে মেৰাই
নিজহাতে সাজি লোৱা ওমলাৰ লগৰীজনী
ডুবু - ডুবুকৈ পানীয়েদি

পুতলাটি তাই বুকুৰ মাজত জোৰেৰে সাৱটি ধৰি আছে l
জালৰ মেৰত উঠি অহা
মেটেকা জোপোহাৰ সৈতে
কেঁচু বৰণৰ ঢেল্ ঢেলীয়া দেহটো
যেন এটি মৰা শিহু
প্ৰথম চিঞৰটো কোনে মাৰিছিল জানো
ফু.... টু.....কী
আমাৰ ফু...টু.....কী....
কিদৰে ক'ব পাৰি বানপীড়িত ৰাইজ কুশলে থাকক !! তেওঁলোক কুশলে নাই l )

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